(Students and Postdoctoral Scholars underlined)
Dabiri JO, Leonard A (2025) “A model for Reynolds-dependent linear instability in wall-bounded shear flows,” submitted. [preprint]
Gunnarson PJ, Dabiri JO (2025) “Surfing vortex rings for energy-efficient propulsion,” PNAS Nexus 4: pgaf031 [PDF]
Fernandez M, Wang T, Tunnicliffe G, Dortilus D, Gunnarson PJ, Dabiri JO, Goldman DI (2025) “AquaMILR+: Design of an untethered limbless robot for complex aquatic terrain navigation,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), to appear. [preprint]
Dabiri JO, Mohebbi N, Fu MK (2025) “Persistent laminar flow at Reynolds numbers exceeding 100,000,” submitted. [preprint]
Lederer EK, O’Melia J, Dabiri JO, Gemmell BJ, Leftwich MC, Colin SP, Costello JH (2025) “Convergence of animal propulsor placement for optimal maneuverability in fluids,” submitted.
Xu NW, Lenczewska O, Wieten SE, Federico CA, Dabiri JO (2025) “Ethics of biohybrid robotics and invertebrate research: Biohybrid robotic jellyfish as a case study,” Bioinspiration and Biomimetics in press. [preprint]
Dabiri JO, Leonard A (2024) “Linear instability of viscous parallel shear flows: revisiting the perturbation no-slip condition,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 996: A47. [PDF]
Mohebbi N, Hwang J, Fu MK, Dabiri JO (2024) “Measurements and modeling of induced flow in collective vertical migration,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 1001: A50. [PDF]
Han H, et al. [26 authors] (2024) “Imaging-guided bioresorbable acoustic hydrogel microrobots,” Science Robotics 9: eadp3593. [PDF]
Wei NJ, El Makdah A, Hu J, Kaiser F, Rival D, Dabiri JO (2024) “Wake dynamics of wind turbines in unsteady streamwise flow conditions,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 1000: A66. [PDF]
Gunnarson PJ, Dabiri JO (2024) “Fish-inspired tracking of underwater turbulent plumes,” Bioinspiration and Biomimetics 19: 056024. [PDF]
Dabiri JO (2024) “Do swimming animals mix the ocean?,” American Scientist 112: 222-229. [PDF]
Anuszczyk SR, Dabiri JO (2024) “Electromechanical enhancement of live jellyfish for ocean exploration,” Bioinspiration and Biomimetics 19: 026018. [PDF]
Costello JH, Colin SP, Gemmell BJ, Dabiri JO, Kanso E (2024) “Turning kinematics of the scyphomedusa Aurelia aurita,” Bioinspiration and Biomimetics 19: 026005. [PDF]
Xu NW, Dabiri JO (2024) “The creation of an augmented jellyfish: Ethical considerations from a scientific perspective,” In Transanimalism, Ch. 8, pp. 127-139. [PDF]
Dabiri JO (2023) “Do swimming animals mix the ocean?,” Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin DOI 10.1002/lob.10614. [PDF]
Gharaati M, Wei NJ, Dabiri JO, Martinez-Tossas LA, Yang D (2023) “Large-eddy simulations of turbulent flows in arrays of helical- and straight-bladed vertical-axis wind turbines,” Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 15: 063309. [PDF]
Dabiri JO, Howland MH, Fu MK, Goldshmid RH (2023) “Visual anemometry for physics-informed inference of wind,” Nature Reviews Physics 5: 597-611. [PDF]
Wei NJ, Dabiri JO (2023) “Power-generation enhancements and upstream flow properties of turbines in unsteady inflow conditions,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 966: A30. [PDF]
Costello JH, Colin SP, Gemmell BJ, Dabiri JO, EA Kanso (2023) “A fundamental propulsive mechanism employed by swimmers and flyers throughout the animal kingdom,” Journal of Experimental Biology 226: jeb245346. [PDF]
Fu MK, Dabiri JO (2023) “Magnetic signature of vertically migrating aggregations in the ocean,” Geophysical Research Letters 50: e2022GL101441. [PDF]
Dabiri JO*, Sullivan KD*, Carter A, Fung I, Pacala S, Press W (2023) “Modernizing wildland firefighting to protect our firefighters: Report to the President,” Executive Office of the President of the United States. [PDF]
Du Clos KT, Gemmell BJ, Colin SP, Costello JH, Dabiri JO, Sutherland KR (2022) “Distributed propulsion enables fast and efficient swimming modes in physonect siphonophores,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 119 (49): e2202494119 [PDF]
Xu NW, Dabiri JO (2022) “Bio-inspired ocean exploration,” Oceanography 35 (2): 35-48. [PDF]
Howland MF, Quesada J, Martinez JP, Larranaga F, Yadav N, Chawla JS, Sivaram V, Dabiri JO (2022) “Collective wind farm operation based on a predictive model increases utility-scale energy production,” Nature Energy DOI 10.1038/s41560-022-01085-8. [PDF]
Gharaati M, Xiao S, Wei NJ, Martinez-Tossas LA, Dabiri JO, Yang D (2022) “Large eddy simulation of helical- and straight-bladed vertical axis wind turbines in atmospheric boundary layer turbulence,” Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 14: 053301. [PDF]
Yang J, Yin Y, Landauer AK, Buyuktozturk S, Zhang J, Summey L, McGhee A, Fu MK, Dabiri JO, Franck C (2022) “SerialTrack: ScalE and Rotation Invariant Augmented Lagrangian Particle Tracking,” SoftwareX 19: 101204. [PDF]
Howland MF, Ghate AS, Quesada J, Martinez JP, Zhong W, Larranaga F, Lele SK, Dabiri JO (2022) “Optimal closed-loop wake steering, Part 2: Diurnal cycle atmospheric boundary layer conditions,” Wind Energy Science 7: 345-365. [PDF]
Cardona JL, Dabiri JO (2022) “Wind speed inference from environmental flow-structure interactions, part 2: leveraging unsteady kinematics,” Flow 2: E1. [PDF]
Wei NJ, Dabiri JO (2022) “Phase-averaged dynamics of a periodically surging wind turbine,” Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 14: 013305. [PDF]
Sun JJ, Ryou S, Goldshmid R, Weissbourd B, Dabiri JO, Anderson DJ, Kennedy A, Yue Y, Perona P (2022) “Self-supervised keypoint discovery in behavioral videos,” 2022 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). [PDF]
Abrams MJ, Tan FH, Basinger T, Heithe ML, Li Y, Raffiee M, Leahy P, Dabiri JO, Gold DA, Goentoro LA (2021) “A conserved strategy for inducing appendage regeneration,” eLife 10: e65092. [PDF]
Gunnarson P, Mandralis I, Novati G, Koumoutsakos P, Dabiri JO (2021) “Learning efficient navigation in vortical flow fields,” Nature Communications 12: 7143. [PDF]
Kanso E, Lopes RM, Strickler JR, Dabiri JO, Costello JH (2021) “Teamwork in the viscous oceanic microscale,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 118 (29) e2018193118. [PDF]
Fu MK, Houghton IA, Dabiri JO (2021) “A single-camera, 3D scanning velocimetry system for quantifying active particle aggregations,” Experiments in Fluids 62: 168. [PDF]
Hoover AP, Xu NW, Gemmell BJ, Colin SP, Costello JH, Dabiri JO, Miller L (2021) “Neuromechanical wave resonance in jellyfish swimming,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 118 (11): e2020025118. [PDF]
Cardona JL, Bouman KL, Dabiri JO (2021) “Wind speed inference from environmental flow-structure interactions,” Flow 1: E4. [PDF]
Gemmell BJ, Dabiri JO, Colin SP, Costello JH, Sutherland KR, Townsend JP (2021) “Biological jet propulsion in marine invertebrates,” Journal of Experimental Biology 224: jeb222083. [PDF]
Xu NW, Townsend JP, Costello JH, Colin SP, Gemmell BJ, Dabiri JO (2021) “Developing biohybrid robotic jellyfish (Aurelia aurita) for free-swimming tests in the laboratory and in the field,” Bio-protocol 11 (07): e3974. [PDF]
Wei NJ, Brownstein ID, Cardona JL, Howland MF, Dabiri JO (2021) “Near-wake structure of full-scale vertical-axis wind turbines,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 914: A17. [PDF]
Costello JH, Colin SP, Dabiri JO, Gemmell BJ, Lucas KN, Sutherland KR (2021) “The hydrodynamics of jellyfish swimming,” Annual Review of Marine Science 13: 375-396. [PDF]
Howland MF, Dabiri JO (2021) “Influence of wake model superposition and secondary steering on model-based wake steering control with SCADA data assimilation,” Energies 14: 52. [PDF]
Xu NW, Townsend JP, Costello JH, Colin SP, Gemmell BJ, Dabiri JO (2020) “Field testing of biohybrid robotic jellyfish to demonstrate enhanced swimming speeds,” Biomimetics 5 (4): 64. [PDF]
Howland MF, Gonzalez C, Martinez JP, Quesada J, Larranaga F, Yadav N , Chawla J, Dabiri JO (2020) “Influence of atmospheric conditions on the power production of utility-scale wind turbines in yaw misalignment,” Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 12: 063307. [PDF]
Howland MF, Ghate AS, Lele SK, Dabiri JO (2020) “Optimal closed-loop wake steering, Part 1: Conventionally neutral atmospheric boundary layer conditions,” Wind Energy Science 5: 1315–1338. [PDF]
Colin SP, Costello JH, Sutherland KR, Gemmell BJ, Dabiri JO, DuClos K (2020) “The role of suction thrust in the metachronal paddles of swimming invertebrates,” Scientific Reports 10: 17790. [PDF]
Ouillon R, Houghton IA, Dabiri JO, Meiburg E (2020) “Active swimmers interacting with stratified fluids during collective vertical migration,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 902: A23. [PDF]
Xu NW, Dabiri JO (2020) “Low-power microelectronics embedded in live jellyfish enhance propulsion,” Science Advances 6: eaaz3194 (Cover Article). [PDF]
Dabiri JO (2020) “Theoretical framework to surpass the Betz limit using unsteady fluid mechanics,” Physical Review Fluids 5: 022501(R). [PDF]
Dabiri JO, Colin SP, Gemmell BJ, Lucas KN, Leftwich MC, Costello JH (2020) “Jellyfish and fish solve the challenges of turning dynamics similarly to achieve high maneuverability,” Fluids 5: 106. [PDF]
Cardona JL, Howland MF, Dabiri JO (2019) “Seeing the wind: Visual wind speed prediction with a coupled convolutional and recurrent neural network,” 33rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2019), Vancouver, Canada. [PDF] [video summary] [poster] [dataset]
Dabiri JO (2019) “Landmarks and frontiers in biological fluid dynamics,” Physical Review Fluids 4: 110501. [PDF]
Du Clos KT, Dabiri JO, Costello JH, Colin SP, Morgan JR, Fogerson SM, Gemmell BJ (2019) “Thrust generation during steady swimming and acceleration from rest in anguilliform swimmers,” Journal of Experimental Biology 222: jeb212464. [PDF]
Wilhelmus MM, Nawroth JC, Rallabandi B, Dabiri JO (2019) “Effect of swarm configuration on fluid transport during vertical collective motion,” Bioinspiration and Biomimetics 15: 015002. [PDF]
Howland MF, Lele SK, Dabiri JO (2019) “Wind farm power optimization through wake steering,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 116 (29): 14495-14500 (Cover Article). [PDF]
Houghton IA, Dabiri JO (2019) “Alleviation of hypoxia by biologically generated mixing in a stratified water column,” Limnology and Oceanography 64: 2161-2171. [PDF]
Costello JH, Colin SP, Gemmell BJ, Dabiri JO (2019) “Hydrodynamics of vortex generation during bell contraction by the hydromedusa Eutonina indicans (Romanes, 1876),” Biomimetics 4 (3): 44. [PDF]
Husic BE, Schlueter-Kuck KL, Dabiri JO (2019) “Simultaneous coherent structure coloring facilitates interpretable clustering of scientific data by amplifying dissimilarity” PLoS ONE 14 (3): e0212442. [PDF]
Hui I, Cain BE, Dabiri JO (2019) “Environmental activism and vertical-axis wind turbine preferences in California,” Wind Energy 22: 1733–1745. [PDF]
Brownstein ID, Wei NJ, Dabiri JO (2019) “Aerodynamically interacting vertical-axis wind turbines: performance enhancement and three-dimensional flow,” Energies 12: 2724. [PDF]
Howland MF, Dabiri JO (2019) “Wind farm modeling with interpretable physics-informed machine learning,” Energies 12: 2716. [PDF]
Schlueter-Kuck KL, Dabiri JO (2019) “Model parameter estimation using coherent structure coloring,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 861: 886-900. [PDF]
Sivaram V, Dabiri JO, Hart DM (2018) “The need for continued innovation in solar, wind, and energy storage,” Joule 2: 1639-1647. [PDF]
Hezaveh SH, Bou-Zeid E, Dabiri JO, Kinzel M, Cortina G, Martinelli L (2018) “Increasing the power production of vertical-axis wind turbine farms using synergistic clustering,” Boundary Layer Meteorology 169 (2): 275-296. [PDF]
Troutman VA, Dabiri JO (2018) “Three-dimensional tracking of non-spherical particles for velocimetry of natural particulate and zooplankton,” Measurement Science and Technology 29: 075401. [PDF]
Houghton IA, Koseff JR, Monismith SG, Dabiri JO (2018) “Vertically migrating swimmers generate aggregation-scale eddies in a stratified column,” Nature 556: 497-500. [PDF]
Miller MA, Duvvuri S, Brownstein ID, Lee M, Dabiri JO, Hultmark M (2018) “Vertical axis wind turbine experiments at full dynamic similarity,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 844: 707-720. [PDF]
Lucas KN, Dabiri JO, Lauder GV (2017) “A pressure-based force and torque prediction technique for the study of fish-like swimming,” PLoS ONE 12 (12): e0189225. [PDF]
Hui I, Cain BE, Dabiri JO (2017) “Public receptiveness of vertical axis wind turbines,” Energy Policy 112: 258-271. [PDF]
Schlueter-Kuck KL, Dabiri JO (2017) “Identification of individual coherent sets associated with flow trajectories using Coherent Structure Coloring,” Chaos 27: 091101. [PDF]
Nawroth JC, Guo H, Koch E, Heath-Heckman EA, Hermanson JC, Ruby E, Dabiri JO, Kanso E, McFall-Ngai M (2017) “Motile cilia create fluid-mechanical microhabitats for the active recruitment of the host microbiome,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 114 (36): 9510-9516. [PDF]
Dabiri JO (2017) “Biomechanics: How fish feel the flow,” Nature 547: 406-407. [PDF]
Craig AE, Dabiri JO, Koseff JR (2017) “Low order physical models of vertical axis wind turbines,” Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 9: 013306. [PDF]
Abkar M, Dabiri JO (2017) “Self-similarity and flow characteristics of vertical-axis wind turbine wakes: An LES study,” Journal of Turbulence 18 (4): 373-389. [PDF]
Araya DB, Colonius T, Dabiri JO (2017) “Transition to bluff body dynamics in the wake of vertical-axis wind turbines,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 813: 346-381. [PDF]
Schlueter-Kuck KL, Dabiri JO (2017) “Coherent structure coloring: identification of coherent structures from sparse data using graph theory,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 811: 468-486. [PDF]
Gemmell BJ, Fogerson S, Costello JH, Morgan JR, Dabiri JO, Colin SP (2016) “How the bending kinematics of swimming lampreys build negative pressure fields for suction thrust,” Journal of Experimental Biology 219: 3884-3895. [PDF]
Brownstein ID, Kinzel M, Dabiri JO (2016) “Performance enhancement of downstream vertical-axis wind turbines,” Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 8: 053306. [PDF]
Craig AE, Dabiri JO, Koseff JR (2016) “Flow kinematics in variable-height rotating cylinder arrays,” Journal of Fluids Engineering 138 (11): 111203. [PDF]
Schlueter-Kuck KL, Dabiri JO (2016) “Pressure evolution in the shear layer of forming vortex rings,” Physical Review Fluids 1: 012501. [PDF]
Craig AE, Dabiri JO, Koseff JR (2016) “A kinematic description of the key flow characteristics in an array of finite-height rotating cylinders,” Journal of Fluids Engineering 138 (7): 071208. [PDF]
Ryan KJ, Coletti F, Elkins CJ, Dabiri JO, Eaton JK (2016) “Three-dimensional flow field around and downstream of a subscale model rotating vertical-axis wind turbine,” Experiments in Fluids 57: 38. [PDF]
Kinzel M, Araya DB, Dabiri JO (2015) “Turbulence in vertical-axis wind turbine canopies,” Physics of Fluids 27: 115102. [PDF]
Gemmell BJ, Costello JH, Colin SP, Dabiri JO (2015) “Suction-based propulsion as a basis for efficient animal swimming,” Nature Communications 6: 8790. [PDF]
Araya DB, Dabiri JO (2015) “VAWT in a falling soap film,” Physics of Fluids 27: 091108. [PDF]
Costello JH, Colin SP, Gemmell BJ, Dabiri JO, Sutherland KR (2015) “Multi-jet propulsion organized by clonal development in a colonial siphonophore,” Nature Communications 6: 8158. [PDF]
Araya DB, Dabiri JO (2015) “A comparison of wake measurements in motor-driven and flow-driven turbine experiments,” Experiments in Fluids 56: 150. [PDF]
Dabiri JO, Greer JR, Koseff JR, Moin P, Peng J (2015) “A new approach to wind energy: opportunities and challenges,” AIP Conference Proceedings 1652: 51-57. [PDF]
Araya DB, Craig AE, Kinzel M, Dabiri JO (2014) “Low-order modeling of wind farm aerodynamics using leaky Rankine bodies,” Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 6: 063118. [PDF]
Dabiri JO (2014) “Emergent aerodynamics in wind farms,” Physics Today 67 (10): 66-67. [PDF]
Wilhelmus MM, Dabiri JO (2014) “Observations of large-scale fluid transport by laser-guided plankton aggregations,” Physics of Fluids, 26: 101302. [PDF]
Nawroth JC, Dabiri JO (2014) “Induced drift by a self-propelled swimmer at intermediate Reynolds numbers,” Physics of Fluids 26: 091108. [PDF]
Sutherland KR, Costello JH, Colin SP, Dabiri JO (2014) “Ambient fluid motions influence swimming and feeding by the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi,” Journal of Plankton Research 36 (5): 1310-1322. [PDF]
Bazilevs Y, Korobenko A, Deng X, Yan J, Kinzel M, Dabiri JO (2014) “FSI modeling of vertical-axis wind turbines,” Journal of Applied Mechanics 81 (8): 081006. [PDF]
O'Farrell C, Dabiri JO (2014) “Nested contour dynamics models for axisymmetric vortex rings and vortex wakes,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 748: 521-548. [PDF]
Lucas KN, Johnson N, Beaulieu W, Cathcart E, Tirrell G, Colin SP, Gemmell BJ, Dabiri JO, Costello JH (2014) “Bending rules for animal propulsion,” Nature Communications 5: 3293. [PDF]
Dabiri JO, Bose S, Gemmell BJ, Colin SP, Costello JH (2014) “An algorithm to estimate unsteady and quasi-steady pressure fields from velocity field measurements,” Journal of Experimental Biology 217: 331-336. [PDF]
O'Farrell C, Dabiri JO (2014) “Pinch-off of non-axisymmetric vortex rings,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 740: 61-96. [PDF]
Whittlesey RW, Dabiri JO (2013) “Optimal vortex formation in a self-propelled vehicle,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 737: 78-104. [PDF]
Gemmell BJ, Costello JH, Colin SP, Stewart C, Dabiri JO, Tafti D, Priya S (2013) “Passive energy recapture in jellyfish contributes to propulsive advantage over other metazoans,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 110 (44): 17904-17909. [PDF]
Costello JH, Colin SP, Dabiri JO, Villanueva A, Blottman JB, Gemmell BJ, Priya S (2012) “Biomimetic and live jellyfish reveal the mechanistic advantages of a flexible bell margin,” PLoS ONE 7 (11): e48909. [PDF]
Kinzel M, Mulligan Q, Dabiri JO (2012) “Energy exchange in an array of vertical-axis wind turbines,” Journal of Turbulence 13 (38): 1-13. [PDF]
Nawroth JC, Lee H, Feinberg AW, Ripplinger CM, McCain ML, Grosberg A, Dabiri JO, Parker KK (2012) “A tissue-engineered jellyfish with biomimetic propulsion,” Nature Biotechnology 30: 792-797 (Cover Article). [PDF]
O'Farrell C, Dabiri JO (2012) “Perturbation response and pinch-off of vortex rings and dipoles,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 704: 280-300. [PDF]
Sutherland KR, Dabiri JO, Koehl MAR (2011) “Simultaneous field measurements of ostracod swimming behavior and background flow,” Limnology and Oceanography: Fluids and Environment 1: 135-146. [PDF]
Katija K, Colin SP, Costello JH, Dabiri JO (2011) “Quantitatively measuring in situ flows using a self-contained underwater velocimetry apparatus (SCUVA),” Journal of Visualized Experiments 56: e2615. [MOV (60 MB)]
Katija K, Beaulieu WT, Regula C, Colin SP, Costello JH, Dabiri JO (2011) “Quantification of flows generated by the hydromedusa Aequorea victoria: A Lagrangian coherent structure (LCS) analysis,” Marine Ecology Progress Series 435: 111-123. [PDF]
Dabiri JO (2011) “Potential order-of-magnitude enhancement of wind farm power density via counter-rotating vertical-axis wind turbine arrays,” Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 3: 043104. [PDF]
Ruiz LA, Whittlesey RW, Dabiri JO (2011) “Vortex-enhanced propulsion,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 668: 5-32 (Focus Article). [PDF]
Colin SP, Costello JH, Hansson LJ, Titelman J, Dabiri JO (2010) “Stealth predation: the basis of the ecological success of the invasive ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 107 (40): 17223-17227 (Cover Article). [PDF]
Whittlesey RW, Liska SC, Dabiri JO (2010) “Fish schooling as a basis for vertical-axis wind turbine farm design,” Bioinspiration and Biomimetics 5: 035005. [PDF]
Breitburg DL, Crump BC, Dabiri JO, Gallegos CL (2010) “Ecosystem engineers in the pelagic realm: Habitat alteration by species ranging from microbes to jellyfish,” Integrative and Comparative Biology 50 (2): 188-200. [PDF]
Dabiri JO (2010) “Role of vertical migration in biogenic ocean mixing,” Geophysical Research Letters L11602, doi:10.1029/2010GL043556. [PDF]
Nawroth JC, Feitl KE, Colin SP, Costello JH, Dabiri JO (2010) “Phenotypic plasticity in juvenile jellyfish medusae facilitates effective animal-fluid interaction,” Biology Letters 6 (3): 389-393. [PDF]
Dabiri JO, Colin SP, Katija K, Costello JH (2010) “A wake-based correlate of swimming performance and foraging behavior in seven co-occurring jellyfish species,” Journal of Experimental Biology 213 (8): 1217-1225. [PDF]
O'Farrell C, Dabiri JO (2010) “A Lagrangian approach to identifying vortex pinch-off,” Chaos 20: 017513. [PDF]
Feitl KE, Millett AH, Colin SP, Dabiri JO, Costello JH (2009) “Functional morphology and fluid interactions during early development of scyphomedusae,” Biological Bulletin 217: 283-291. [PDF]
Rosenfeld M, Katija K, Dabiri JO (2009) “Circulation generation and vortex ring formation by static conic nozzles,” Journal of Fluids Engineering 131 (9): 091204. [PDF]
Katija K, Dabiri JO (2009) “A viscosity-enhanced mechanism for biogenic ocean mixing,” Nature 460: 624-626 (Cover Article). [PDF]
Wilson M, Peng J, Dabiri JO, Eldredge JD (2009) “Lagrangian coherent structures in low Reynolds number swimming,” Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 21: 204105 (Cover Article). [PDF]
Peng J, Dabiri JO (2009) “Transport of inertial particles by Lagrangian coherent structures: application to predator-prey interactions in jellyfish feeding,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 623: 75-84 (Cover Article). [PDF]
Dabiri JO (2009) “Optimal vortex formation as a unifying principle in biological propulsion,” Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 41: 17-33. [PDF]
Costello JH, Colin SP, Dabiri JO (2008) “The medusan morphospace: phylogenetic constraints, biomechanical solutions and ecological consequences,” Invertebrate Biology 127 (3): 265-290 (Cover Article). [PDF]
Peng J, Dabiri JO (2008) “The 'upstream wake' of swimming and flying animals and its correlation with propulsive efficiency,” Journal of Experimental Biology 211 (16): 2669-2677. [PDF]
Katija K, Dabiri JO (2008) “In situ field measurements of aquatic animal-fluid interactions using a self-contained underwater velocimetry apparatus (SCUVA),” Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 6: 162-171. [PDF]
Peng J, Dabiri JO (2008) “An overview of a Lagrangian method for analysis of animal wake dynamics,” Journal of Experimental Biology 211 (2): 280-287. [PDF]
Shadden SC, Katija K, Rosenfeld M, Marsden JE, Dabiri JO (2007) “Transport and stirring induced by vortex formation,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 593: 315-331. [PDF]
Franco E, Pekarek DN, Peng J, Dabiri JO (2007) “Geometry of unsteady fluid transport during fluid-structure interactions,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 589: 125-145. [PDF]
Dabiri JO (2007) “Renewable fluid dynamic energy derived from aquatic animal locomotion,” Bioinspiration and Biomimetics 2: L1-L3. [PDF]
Peng J, Dabiri JO (2007) “A potential-flow, deformable-body model for fluid-structure interactions with compact vorticity: application to animal swimming measurements,” Experiments in Fluids 43 (5): 655-664. [PDF]
Dabiri JO, Colin SP, Costello JH (2007) “Morphological diversity of medusan lineages constrained by animal-fluid interactions,” Journal of Experimental Biology 210 (11): 1868-1873. [PDF]
Peng J, Dabiri JO, Madden PG, Lauder GV (2007) “Non-invasive measurement of instantaneous forces during aquatic locomotion: A case study of the bluegill sunfish pectoral fin,” Journal of Experimental Biology 210 (4): 685-698. [PDF]
Dabiri JO, Colin SP, Costello JH (2006) “Fast-swimming hydromedusae exploit velar kinematics to form an optimal vortex wake,” Journal of Experimental Biology 209 (11): 2025-2033. [PDF]
Shadden SC, Dabiri JO, Marsden JE (2006) “Lagrangian analysis of fluid transport in empirical vortex ring flows,” Physics of Fluids 18 (4): 047105. [PDF]
Dabiri JO (2006) “Note on the induced Lagrangian drift and added-mass of a vortex,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 547: 105-113. [PDF]
Gharib M, Rambod E, Kheradvar A, Sahn DJ, Dabiri JO (2006) “Optimal vortex formation as an index of cardiac health,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 103 (16): 6305-6308. [PDF]
Krueger PS, Dabiri JO, Gharib M (2006) “The formation number of vortex rings formed in uniform background co-flow,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 556: 147-166. [PDF]
Shusser M, Rosenfeld M, Dabiri JO, Gharib M (2006) “Effect of time-dependent piston velocity program on vortex ring formation in a piston/cylinder arrangement,” Physics of Fluids 18 (3): 033601. [PDF]
Dabiri JO (2005) “On the estimation of swimming and flying forces from wake measurements,” Journal of Experimental Biology 208 (18): 3519-3532. [PDF]
Dabiri JO, Colin SP, Costello JH, Gharib M (2005) “Vortex motion in the ocean: in situ visualization of jellyfish swimming and feeding flows,” Physics of Fluids 17 (9): 091108. [PDF]
Dabiri JO, Gharib M (2005) “The role of optimal vortex formation in biological fluid transport,” Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 272: 1557-1560. [PDF]
Dabiri JO, Gharib M (2005) “Starting flow through nozzles with temporally variable exit diameter,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 538: 111-136. [PDF]
Dabiri JO, Colin SP, Costello JH, Gharib M (2005) “Flow patterns generated by oblate medusan jellyfish: field measurements and laboratory analyses,” Journal of Experimental Biology 208 (7): 1257-1265. [PDF]
Dabiri JO, Gharib M (2004) “Fluid entrainment by isolated vortex rings,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 511: 311-331. [PDF]
Dabiri JO, Gharib M (2004) “A revised slug model boundary layer correction for starting jet vorticity flux,” Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 17 (4): 293-295. [PDF]
Dabiri JO, Gharib M (2004) “Delay of vortex ring pinch-off by an imposed bulk counter-flow,” Physics of Fluids 16 (4): L28-L30. [PDF]
Dabiri JO, Gharib M (2003) “Sensitivity analysis of kinematic approximations in dynamic medusan swimming models,” Journal of Experimental Biology 206 (20): 3675-3680. [PDF]
Krueger PS, Dabiri JO, Gharib M (2003)“The formation number of vortex rings formed in the presence of uniform background co-flow,” Physics of Fluids 15 (7): L49-L52. [PDF]