Linear Stability Codes [.ZIP; 13 KB]
These MATLAB scripts enable calculation of linear stability of plane Couette flow, plane Poiseuille flow, and Hagen-Poiseuille pipe flow with user-defined boundary conditions. See Dabiri and Leonard (2024) for background and technical details.

Visual Anemometry Database [.ZIP; 60 GB]
This data package includes the video clips used to train and test a combined convolutional and recurrent neural network to predict wind speed from video clips, as described in Cardona et al. (NeurIPS 2019).

Wake Steering Database [.ZIP; 19 MB]
This data package includes wind turbine performance data for baseline operation and wake steering operation, as described in Howland et al. (2019).

Simultaneous Coherent Structure Coloring (sCSC) Example Codes [.ZIP; 0.4 MB]. May require Firefox Browser to download.
This software package includes example codes implementing simultaneous Coherent Structure Coloring (sCSC). They can be executed using MATLAB or Python/Jupyter. See Husic et al. (2019) for background and technical details.

Coherent Structure Coloring Matlab Kit Version 1.0 [.ZIP; 6 MB]. May require Firefox Browser to download.
This MATLAB software package takes as input one or more text files with 2D or 3D particle position data, and computes the corresponding coherent structure coloring (CSC) for the particles. See Schlueter-Kuck and Dabiri (2017a) and (2017b) for background and technical details.

queen 2.0 Pressure Field Calculator (now w/ source files!) [.ZIP; 38 MB]. May require Firefox Browser to download.
This MATLAB software package takes as input one or more text files with 2D or 3D velocity field data and, optionally, files with coordinates of a solid object in the flow, and computes the corresponding pressure field. queen 2.0 eliminates the quasi-steady approximations used in version 1.0, so it can compute fully unsteady pressure due to accelerating flows, added mass/acceleration reaction in flow-structure interactions with moving and deformable bodies, etc. See Dabiri et al. (2014) and Lucas et al. (2017) for background and technical details. Note: Technical support is not available for source files. Edit at your own risk!

LCS MATLAB Kit Version 2.3 (w/ inertial particle modelling!) [.ZIP; 415 KB]. May require Firefox Browser to download.
This MATLAB software package improves the interpolation scheme used in Version 1.0, optimizes the algorithm for significantly reduced computational time, and enables the calculation of FTLE fields for inertial particles using a linearized Maxey-Riley model. Package also includes a faster implementation courtesy of Scott Bollt (see folder "BolltUpdate"). See Shadden et al. (2006), Peng and Dabiri (2009), and the LCS Online Tutorial for background and technical details regarding Lagrangian coherent structures.

LCS MATLAB Kit Version 1.0 [.ZIP; 166 KB]. May require Firefox Browser to download.
This MATLAB software package enables the user to input a time-series of velocity field data (e.g., DPIV measurements or CFD calculations) and compute the corresponding finite-time Lyapunov exponent (FTLE) fields, from which Lagrangian Coherent Structures (LCS) such as vortices and fluid transport barriers can be identified.